Recent Projects

Thursday, January 14, 2016

DIY Bird Feeder

Winter is here! And in Michigan, it gets super cold and blustery...I always wonder, "what about the birds?" Poor little babies must be starving!

I work from home with my cat Lola May, and she loves bird-watching as much as I do. Well, actually she likes squirrel watching more! Either way, it gives us both something to look at while we work. I wish I would have found this cute bird feeder idea sooner! They would have made cute Christmas gifts and it wasn't too cold over the holidays this year. I was freezing my feathers off in the garage, because this project is a MESS and I wanted to stay away from our clean kitchen. 

Here is what you need:

3/4 Cups of Flour
Gelatin Packet
3 Tbsp. of Corn Syrup
1/2 Cup of Hot Water
4 Cups of Bird Seed
Parchment Paper
Non-Stick Cooking Spray
Cookie Cutters or Muffin Tin
Straw, dowel, or chopstick

Step 1-
Mix hot water, flour, gelatin and corn syrup together to make a smooth paste.

Step 2-
Add the bird seed and start mixing! This stuff sticks to everything, so don't forget the non-stick cooking spray when molding the paste into your cookie cutters. 

Step 3-
Lay the parchment paper on a cookie sheet and spray your cookie cutters or molds with non-stick spray. Grab two tablespoons of bird seed mixture and smoosh the paste into the molds. Pack the mixture down. Wear gloves, or use the back of a spoon. 

Using a straw or chopstick, poke a hole into the molds so you can hang them in the trees later! Isn't this exciting? Just imagine how happy the little baby birds will be! 

Step 4-
Let them dry for at least a couple hours at room temperature. I left mine in the freezing garage overnight before popping them out of the molds. 

Step 5-
Grab some twine or string to loop through each hole. Pick a tree with a close view...Watch and wait for your happy little birds to enjoy!

What wild birds have you seen so far?
I love bird-watching, particularly goldfinches, they are my favorite!

- Goldfinches
- Nuthatch
- Red-tailed Hawks
- Cardinals
- Downy woodpecker
- Dark-eyed Junco
- Tufted Titmouse
- Northern Flicker
- Hairy woodpecker
- Chickadee 

Just to name a few...The birds love wild bird food; you could even add some fruit or peanut butter to your mix. Whatever you want! You can look online for different recipes and tutorials. They are fun to make during these cold winter months when you're stuck inside. Save it for the next snow day!



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