Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Bunny Bag

Hello Spring!

Finally, it feels like it has been soo long since we last met! I have missed the green colors, sweet smells, birds chirping, shining sun and critters all coming outside to play. It's my favorite time of year. A new beginning, a time to start fresh with new ideas and lessons. With spring, comes Easter! And with this absolutely adorable bunny bag tutorial from Tied With a Ribbon - I just couldn't wait to make one. I recently bought a bunch of chocolate candy eggs and needed a bunny bag to put them in. Awe, wouldn't this be sew cute for a birthday party or Easter gift bag? I guess I have to make one for my nephews and niece! 

What you will need:

White/Linen Fabric
Inside Lining Fabric
Bunny Face Fabric
Bias Tape maker
Fusible heat n bond 
1.5"x5.5" top border
2"x16" for bias tape

Most of the fabric I used came from scraps and a charm square I've been hoarding to use as the bunny face. The aqua fabric with the little cherries is amazing?! It was love at first sight, it's called Bandana by moda. 

Use the template to cut the fabric pieces. You will need two outside and two lining pieces. The lining is longer than the outside because you will add a top border. 

Using the bunny face template, trace it onto fusible heat and bond. Following the manufacturers the fusible to the fabric and cut out the bunny face when it has completely cooled. Get ready to fuse the bunny face onto the front of the bag. *For future bunny bags, I would place my bunny face a little lower on the bag. Make sure you have enough space at the top to tie.

Once the bunny face is fused to the front of the bag. Use your favorite applique stitch to secure the bunny face to the front. I used what's called a triple stitch all the way around. This was the first time I have ever tried it! It makes a solid stitch by going back and forth three times on each stitch. Pretty cool, especially since I never knew about it! See, you CAN learn something new everyday!

Now take your 1.5 x 5.5 strips of fabric and sew them to the top of each piece of outside fabric. Your bag should look similar to the picture below. Press the seams open, and move on to the next part.

Now we will want to make bias tape to use as the tie closure. Before you panic, this is actually fun and easy. If you want to learn more about bias tape check out this YouTube video! It's a great tutorial and very easy to follow. This should prepare you for what's next...I have never done this before either, and if I can do it, sew can YOU! I have 25mm (1 inch) bias tape maker. I cut my fabric strip 2x16 and slid the strip into the bias tape maker. It folds the fabric in half for you! Press as you pull the fabric through.

Fold the tape in half again, this will make the bias tape and without any nasty seams showing. Sew exciting! I think after this project I am going on a bias tape binge making roll. You can always use it for something? Once it's folded, sew down the edge and along the bottom. Tie a knot on each end. 

Take your pretty, finished bias tape tie and pin it about an inch below the border. I would do a little less than an inch. Sew the tie in place. 

Now take your lining pieces and attach them to the top of your bag pieces.
Press the seams open. Your bag should look something like the picture below.

Lay the bag pieces on top of each other (right sides together). Make sure to pin the ties out of the way, you don't want to sew them on accident! Leave an opening in the lining so you can turn the bag inside out. 

Sew around the bag using a 1/4" seam allowance. Watch out for the tie! And leave an opening. Once it's all sewn, flip inside out and press so it looks pretty. Sew the open space in the lining closed. 
You can top-stitch around the bag for a professional look. 

After this one is done, on to the next bunny bag! What do you think? Thank you to Jemima over at Tied with a Ribbon for the tutorial and inspiration. Be sure to check out her blog for more fun Easter craft ideas. I hope you give it a try with your favorite colors and fabrics!



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